how to give new life to your old wardrobe
Authors and Vintage Hunters, Bridgett Artise and Jen Karetnick, put together an amazing book on fun and creative ways to rebirth your old vintage treasures. They have a real knack for mixing together fabulous pieces like a vintage Chanel jacket with a flowy Pucci-esque print blouse to create an entirely new look. The book is definitely a source of inspiration. In the back of the book, there is a listing of their favorite thrift stores, so you can go shopping yourself.
“This summer I’d love to wear an eco or organic bathing suit, any suggestions?”
You can find great eco swimwear on oneof our favorite websites, They carry a beautiful earth-friendly swim brand called deux fm. I love their fire red “mystique” eco string bikini made from recycled fabric ends. $82,
“I’ve heard there are recycled flip-flops but I don’t know where to find them?”
Simple shoes are one of my personal faves of the season. These are made with sustainable hemp uppers, recycled carpet padding and recycled car tires. They are also hand stitched, with less than a thimble of water-based adhesives. Most shoes have 2 shot glasses worth of glue. Now that’s a flop to flip over! $80.